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The Funniest Marriage Tweets To Get You Through This Week

Marriage is full of highs, lows and a whole bunch of ordinary moments in between. Somehow the married people on X, formerly known as Twitter, continue to find humor in the minutiae of wedded life.
Every week, we round up the funniest marriage tweets on the platform. Read on for 20 relatable ones that will have you laughing in agreement.
My husband just ordered a cocktail at this bar by saying “just bring me the pinkest one.”
Watching the Olympics and my husband pointed out an athlete who looked a lot older than the others. Then they showed his age, and it was 38, the same as my husband, and we’ve all learned something here
I wish my wife looked at me the way she looks at new school supplies.
Being married is taking it in turns to say I knew you were going to say that.
We are rebuilding our deck, and my husband won’t stop talking about his lumber package. Send help.
My wife is watching a Jane Austen movie, so I’m probably sleeping on the couch tonight.
Me explaining to my husband all of the gymnasts’ life stories as if I didn’t start following the vast majority of them two days ago.
Woke up to Theodore licking his catnip toy and getting crunk Wife: isn’t it a bit early for that Me: it’s 5 o’clock somewhere
My husband has been working from home for 6 weeks. I’ve learned that he basically gets paid to be in meetings. Speak in meetings, meet with other people about their last meeting, and have meetings to plan for the next meeting. 😬🥱😟
My husband just quoted a Barenaked Ladies song to me & now I’m sitting in my attorney’s office drawing up the appropriate paperwork.
before you get married find out what them chewing at their loudest sounds like because that’s what you’re gonna be stuck with for 30 years
True love is my husband picking out every good chip at the bottom to the bag and handing them to me one at a time while he eats the tiny crumb chips
My husband gets a little too excited watching me wash a cucumber.
the most sexy thing a wife can do is tell her husband where something is for the 1000th time without sighing and rolling her eyes
Pretty sure my husband’s favorite part of vacation is complaining about the disruption for a week before it even starts
Love is patient, love is kind, love is quietly moving into the guestroom to go back to sleep instead of kicking your husband and telling him to roll over to quit snoring for the millionth time.
I just got the emailed receipt from her shopping trip and It’s taking forever for my wife to get home and “catch” me doing the dishes
scrolling through pages and pages of google images looking for a picture of tim walz eating a hot dog so i can post brat summer while my baby is crying and my wife begs me to help
My husband brought home Halloween decorations just days after complaining about there being decorations in August. He doesn’t realize the door he just opened.
Tonight at dinner with my husband’s parents he said to his mother “you look really beautiful tonight” and then he mouthed to me while pointing at himself “favorite child.”
